Sunday, December 18, 2005

Slippery slope phallusy

I can't say it any better than this:
"They said they just wanted to ban smoking on airplanes because people could not avoid the smoke. Then they said they just wanted to ban smoking in most workplaces, except for bars and restaurants which of course people had a right to smoke in. Then they said, you know what we do want to ban smoking in bars and restaurants. They argued that people could still smoke outside or in the privacy of their own homes. Then, jurisdiction after jurisdiction began prohibiting smoking outside"
This isn't an example of the slippery slope logical fallacy, this an example of getting dicked around by people who clearly have an agenda and are passing legislation under false pretenses.

If you don't like the smoking issue, replace all the references to smoking in the above paragraph with any of these:
  • Alcohol
  • Pornography
  • Homosexuality
  • Evolution
  • Abortion

Reminder: I don't smoke.


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