Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Extremely Bad Form

There are some really bad electronic forms on the internet. So bad that I wish we could harness "bad form power" and power the planet.

Occasionally, a form comes along that is so poorly implemented it's funny.

Take a look at this "free razor" form from Supermax (pic of form). They are obviously gathering demographic data, but they won't get accurate data, and I know that for certain.

You can see that certain portions of the form are required and some are not. (Indicated by red stars).

However, several of the non-required fields are pre-populated. That is, the have default values that get filled in if the user doesn't change them.

If the problem with this isn't immediately obvious, ask how do you tell the difference between a person who is single or who just didn't answer the question?

The icing on the cake is the form doesn't call certain fields "required", it calls them "compulsory"! People don't like to be compelled or coerced into giving away information, and calling a form compulsory certainly gives that impression.

I opted to not get a free razor.


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