Abortion causes global warming
Well, ok, it doesn't really. But I suspect someone's not far off from claiming that it is.
If you listen to Sam Brownback say that abortion has caused the social security troubles, you wouldn't be surprised when a Republican-led panel of the Missouri House of reps blames abortion for immigration problems as well.
If you listen to Sam Brownback say that abortion has caused the social security troubles, you wouldn't be surprised when a Republican-led panel of the Missouri House of reps blames abortion for immigration problems as well.
What next?
Something for Pro-choicers to concider.......
If conception is NOT when life begins,and a clump of cells is just that and not a living human being.
Then at least concider this-
Soon after you were conceived you were no more than a clump of cells.
This clump of cells was you at your earliest stage, you had plenty of growing to do but this clump of cells was you none the less. Think about it.
Aren't you glad you were left unhindered to develope further.
Safe inside your mother's womb until you were born.
Is this blog spam or an incoherent rambling of a live person?
Neither. Don't you get it Rob ?
I'm 98% pro-life and 2% pro-choice, though the 2% didn't come easy.
World estimations of the number of terminations carried out each year is somewhere between 20 and 88 million.
3,500 per day / 1.3 million per year in America alone.
50% of that 1.3 million claimed failed birth control was to blame.
A further 48% had failed to use any birth control at all.
And 2% had medical reasons.
That means a stagering 98% may have been avoided had an effective birth control been used.
Australia (with a population of 20 million) terminated over 100 thousand young people last year. I've done the figures and Australia do more per head.
Abortion has got to be by far the Mother of all holocausts, the most extensive crime against humanity the world has ever seen.
Though it pains me to say it but, there may always be a need for the 2% medical reasons and such, but that's all.
So how do we get the other 98% to be responsible...................
How do we get them to be honest with themselves, about when life begins.
Everyone knows life begins at conception,
egg+sperm = human being
Sadly many prefer to have an occasional abortion over using birth control, they have all kinds of reasons, each of them selfish.
Then there's the christian impossition,(all a bit talibanish), and their men in high places.(church and state should never entwine) their stance against b/c has only added to the numbers.
Sanity must provale, abortions should remain available and safe to the 2% and the rest need to have a good look at themselves and get their act together.
People need to stop using abortion as birth control.
I'd like to see effective birth control made available to all who can't afford it.
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