Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My Short Take on Raich

"We can't win the war on drugs, but I bet chemo patients are easy targets."

Next step for the administration: stomping on puppies.


Blogger Pocket Sized said...

Ultimately I suppose chemo patients' use of marijuana only further suggests how wildly misguided the policies to treat pot the same as heroin, crack, etc...if there gets to be a widespread understanding that some things that are illegal could actually be beneficial, all hell would break loose. Why, that suggests that the government and lobbyists might not always have the public's best interest in mind! Better put the kibosh on that before the baby boomers hit old age and painful diseases lest the multitudes rise up...How delightful would it be to have the AARP leading the call to legalize it?

2:46 PM  

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